The monastery grounds have services most feast days and Weekends from 9:00am.
The grounds are located at
387 National Park Rd, Kinglake West.
Abbot of Monastery:
Archim. Fr. Gavril Galev
Ph: 0429 077 790
Macedonian Orthodox Monastery
"St. Kliment of Ohrid"

In 2017 the MOCMV General Committee of management considered and resolved to appoint Fr Gavril Galev (now Archimandrite) as the Abbot at the Monastery and authorised that he and his two novices be permitted to reside in the residence within the Kinglake property. This decision fully transformed the Monastery into a living religious institution. Since then, he and his novices have held regular church services including weddings and christenings. They also provide spiritual guidance to parishioners attending the Monastery as required.
Since Archimandrite Fr. Gavril Galev was appointment as Abbot, he and the two novices with the assistance of some regular parishioners with their respected trades, volunteering their services to properly maintained the property and assisted with some improvements authorise and funded by MOCMV.
The church building and other facilities including the trees planted as early as 1970 together with the beautiful natural habitat were damaged or destroyed by the devastating Black Saturday bushfire on 7th February 2009. MOCMV has since reinstated and/or rebuilt the church and other buildings and facilities and replanted new trees and the beautiful habitat has fully recovered.
In February 1970 MOCMV purchased thirty-five acres of farmland in National Park Road Kinglake West to be known as Macedonia Park, establishing Picnic and Recreational facilities with the first MOCMV Picnic held in January 1971 attracting more than 10,000 people. These facilities have been used and are still used not only by MOCMV but by many other Macedonian and non-Macedonian organisations for picnics and other recreational activities each year. In 1973 MOCMV commenced building the Macedonian Orthodox Church of St. Kliment of Ohrid at the front of the said property. The church was completed and consecrated on 25 February 1978 and become known as the “Macedonian Orthodox Monastery St. Kliment Ohridski.”
The most popular picnics are the Feast Day of St. Kliment, the Patron Saint of the monastery and the Annual National Macedonian Picnic. Keep an eye out on our events page to not miss out!